Are you ready to step into your  power and live an elevated life ?

If you are seeking personal, professional and spiritual development, and ready to live a soul-infused life with an upgraded reality, then you are right where you belong!

The Magic and the Miracles Await When we Integrate… The Power of the Mind. The Intelligence of the Body. The Wisdom of the Soul. 
The Magnificence of Spirit.

There is something within each of us seeking to awaken to the truth of who we are and what we are truly capable of — an inner wisdom that is always guiding us to something better with new possibilities and new realities.

I believe that our challenges and opportunities that appear, and often at heightened levels, are here to help us finally break free of what has held us back in a limited state of life and catapult us forward into the freedom we have as a creator of our own reality. We are standing at the gateway to our greatness!

If you feel stuck, challenged and ready to take back your power to turn your life around, then I invite you to follow your true calling to raise your consciousness and Elevate Your Life™. This is that deep knowingness that something beyond your current state of existence is possible, yet an uncertainty of how to get there. You are not alone.

The time is now to awaken to something greater that lies within in and the connectedness to all that surrounds us. The time is now to experience something magnificent waiting to be birthed through you and for you.

What if you are at the cusp of experiencing Transformation Beyond Your Imagination™?

What if you are about to become a Powerful Co-Creator of Your Miracles™?

What if today is the day that you heed your inner calling to step into the power that lies within YOU and live a life you may not have even imagined possible?

From My Heart to Yours,


Body Beautiful...The Missing Link

If you have been looking for ways to actually create shifts in your body where you feel lighter, stronger, healthier and more confident and have not seen the results despite what you may have tried with workouts and nutrition, and are ready to enjoy true and lasting changes at the level of your body and life, then you are exactly where you belong!


This annual membership circle is designed to bring the power of our physical laws and our spiritual laws together — the merging of science and consciousness — in a like-minded, highly conscious space to help each member to AWAKEN, TRANSFORM AND MANIFEST in ways beyond their current level of awareness. This is an invitation to join us in the co-creation of YOUR miracles! Beginning with the 3 letter word YES, you will begin to take yourself from where you are to where you want to be — or even better!

All About Love
Breaking Down Our Internal Barriers to the Giving and Receiving of Love
  • Have you felt that those around you don’t give you the love you wish to receive?
  • Do you notice yourself withholding love?
  • Do you notice yourself actually rejecting love?
  • Are you tired of feeling disconnected from love in your relationships?

Whether it is between a child and parent, between life partners, friends or even colleagues, if you want to expand your ability to receive love and give that love more freely – to actually remove the barriers within that have blocked the flow of love – then enjoy this FREE Masterclass Replay from our Circle of Co-Creators!

Access Your Free Program Here

8 Minute Sleep Meditation

In the hustle and bustle of day to day life, even falling asleep can feel troublesome. But what if there is a way to make it easier?

Sleep is so vital at so many levels. Not just to get rest so that you can start yet another day with more hustle and bustle, but for its truly beneficial properties to allow for healing, regenerating, revitalizing and rejuvenating all while doing NOTHING!

That’s right, if you feel that when you are sleeping you are “wasting time doing nothing” then think again! To fall into slumber easily and deeply can make our life experience elevated!

Access your 8 Minute Sleep Meditation at just $1

The True Power and Art of Self-Love
A Journey From What Holds Us Back to the Freedom to Live Fully

Included is an energetic clearing to the blocks to loving oneself and alignment back to self-love found at the end of the audio.

This 1 hour audio dives into the deep, often unspoken truths around the concepts of Self-Love. From moving beyond self-punishment to remembering what true self-love is, this audio covers everything from the fear of true love to honest conversation about how hate and love are often mis-wired, how we have forgotten to fill our own cup, how lacking self-love keeps us disconnected from Source, the truth about self-love as our voice, our choice, our sense of self, our self-acceptance, and so much more. This audio ends with a powerful energetic clearing as well as alignment to self-love!

Access Your Free Program Here

A Roadmap Through the Layers of the Mind
How to Work with Your Superconscious, Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind to Shift Your Reality

If you are searching for “why” things are not being manifest into your reality “YET” despite what you have been doing, and are struggling to create or attract something in your life, you will enjoy the in-depth teachings that are deep but relatable and applicable in this 90 min Masterclass.

Access Your Program Here for Just $25


A Path to Break Free From Suffering and Pain and Return to Self-Love

This 20 minutes free audio course is about Self-Forgiveness

Join Shenal as she takes you through teachings and stories that can help you to embark on your journey back to your true self, to the essence of who you truly are and your ability to experience more inner peace, more love and more joy in your life.

Access Your Free Program Here

Raise Your Consciousness. Change Your Life
A Roadmap to Navigate Life’s Challenges and Opportunities with More Ease and Elevated Outcomes

In this Free Masterclass co-led by a physician and physical therapist, we will discuss the 4 Levels of Consciousness, and how you can move through different layers to enrich and grow your life. We have discovered that the integration of our clinical knowledge and age-old wisdom of spirituality and consciousness allows for our grounded and expansive teaching style.

Access Your Free Program Here